I thought that in this case I’d actually keep the default WordPress initial post title of “Hello World” as it seemed rather fitting as I’ll be writing on here about topics that are vastly different than those found on my other blogs. There will be no mojito cakes or Top 11 (so random, Erin…) Christmas Special items in this new space.
Instead I hope to touch upon and highlight some of the interests that I encounter in my professional realm of e-Learning, online education, and instructional design. I’ll also share tutorials I’ve created, articles and other readings of interest, and undoubtedly a plethora of posts detailing my quest to get a handle on the use of games in the classroom. I’m so serious about the gaming part of this project that I even built my own PC (with a little help) devoted to gaming — much to the horror of every Apple device in my house. I’m going to make something gorgeous and educationally relevant in Minecraft if it kills me. However, first I have to stop typing and referring to the game as “Mindcraft…” Anyway, welcome! I hope you find the content I post useful.